In 2007, Joe Dante launched the web series Trailers from Hell, featuring commentary on trailers by filmmakers. In this installment, Dante discusses the fan following of The Night Walker (1964), written by Psycho author Robert Bloch, and the horror film’s role in director William Castle’s prolific career
Col Needham has seen over 8,600 movies. How is he so sure? Because he has voted on that many films on The Internet Movie Database, a site he launched in 1990.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences today announced that 10 live action short films will advance in the voting process for the 87th Academy Awards®. One hundred forty-one pictures had originally qualified in the category.
The 20th anniversary of a contemporary classic
The Academy spotlights three partnerships from Hollywood’s Golden Age in The Perfect Match: Hollywood Costume Collaborations during the month of December.
Costume designers Bart and Kurt explain how they put together the looks for Oscar-winners Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto.
Producers Craig Zadan and Neil Meron today announced 13 key members of the production team for the 87th Academy Awards®, which will air live on Oscar® Sunday, February 22, 2015, on ABC.